Welcome to my place...I have been shooting since I received my first SLR (which used film and had a manual focus) for my high school graduation. I enjoy the new challenges that come with the digital age, but still enjoy the challenge of capturing emotion, creating interesting compositions and producing results people enjoy looking at. Thanks for visiting!
Something very different from me. The theme from this day: ivory. Trying to challenge myself to go outside my comfort zone. You can check out the Creativity Boot Camp here.
Joining the fun at Mary's Monday Mosaic, found here. All of these shots are from my garden this week. Interested in learning about hydrangeas? Check out my other blog: One Fell Out of the Cuckoos Nest!
I always thought we had a front porch. After living down south now for many years, I realize we actually have a veranda. What's the difference? Other than it sounds fancier, I don't know! Do you know?
Be sure to stop back tomorrow - I'll be posting some of my hydrangeas! Interested in learning about hydrangeas? Check me out here!
The content on these pages, including all images are the sole property of Traci Lord, and may not be reproduced in any manner without consent. All rights reserved